If you’re a bass fisherman, this is a must have lure. A topwater lure is the most exciting lure you can throw at a largemouth bass. When they hit this lure, the water boils, and the action begins with all the subtlety of a runaway freight train.
Topwater lures float. They simulate a frog, mouse, snake, or large insect skimming the surface of the water and attract bass from the weeds below the surface. The concave face of some topwater lures works to push the water ahead creating waves similar to those produced by swimming bait.
To use a topwater lure you have to make an accurate cast near cattails, willows, lily pads, or overhanging brush. Often you’ll get a strike as soon as the lure hits the water, but jerking the popper a few feet, reeling in line, then jerking again extends the attraction on each cast. This is a fabulous bass lure.
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